Friday, March 13, 2009

Avocado Shrimp Salad

I made this the other day - it was SOOO good.

Cover a plate with a bed of washed greens. Any type will do. I'm lazy and buy mixed spring greens by the bag.

Roughly chop 5-6 stalks of leftover cooked asparagus.

Thaw 1 cup or so of frozen shrimp and 1 cup of frozen mango.

Chop up half an avocado, half a red pepper, a couple of green onions (if you want), and a tomato.

Dump the shrimp and veggies on top of the lettuce and mix up a bit. If desired, drizzle with a little low fat dressing and salt and pepper. I often just squeeze on lemon juice and s/p.

I'm sure you can mix and match with other veggie combinations. Some walnuts or almonds might be nice?

Looks wonderful- tastes great

1 comment:

Samantha said...

That sounds really good!